DIY vs. Professional Installation in Exterior Renovation


DIY vs. Professional Installation in Exterior Renovation

Anyone who has ever lived in an older home knows that exterior renovations can be a huge undertaking. It is important to consider all aspects of an exterior renovation before taking the plunge. One key area to consider is DIY vs professional installation. Is it better to hire a professional contractor, or undertake the project as a DIY challenge? This article will explore both angles and provide and pros and cons of each direction.

What Is DIY?

DIY, or do-it-yourself, is an umbrella term for home projects that any homeowner can handle on their own without outside assistance from a professional. This is an increasingly popular option for homeowners who are looking to save a bit of money, but may not always be the best option. For exterior renovations, a DIY approach may involve roofing, gutter cleaning, painting, siding installation, windows and doors installation, and more.

What Is Professional Installation?

Professional installation refers to the use of a skilled professional contractor for any of the outdoor renovation tasks listed above. Professional installation ensures that each process is done with the utmost care and precision to ensure a picture-perfect finish. This can be a pricier option than painting the front porch or replacing gutter downspouts alone, but hiring a professional guarantees that the exterior of the home looks as good as new.

Pros and Cons of DIY

When it comes to exterior renovation, there are pros and cons to taking on the project as a DIY challenge.


  • Saves money: DIY projects can help homeowners save money on labor costs.
  • Gives pride of accomplishment: Taking on a DIY project and finishing it successfully gives homeowners a profound sense of pride.
  • Self-satisfaction: Taking on any task provides a sense of accomplishment when it is completed.
  • Reusable skills: Learning the skills required to do a project can be helpful in the future.
  • Customization: As DIY projects are based on individual skills, they can be customized to fit personal preferences or to experiment with something new.


  • Time consuming: DIY projects generally take longer than if a professional was hired.
  • Risk of injury: As projects are done without the help of a professional, there is an increased risk of injury.
  • Lack of professional knowledge: Lack of professional knowledge may cause DIY projects to take much longer and require costly mistakes.
  • Stressful: The time and effort required for any DIY project can be quite stressful.
  • Little recourse for mistakes: Making a mistake with a DIY project usually requires that the project be done over from scratch.

Pros and Cons of Professional Installation

On the other side of the debate, there are pros and cons to opting for professional installation.


  • Time-saver: Professional installations can be done in a fraction of the time that it would take to do the project yourself.
  • Increased safety: Professional installation typically minimizes the risk of injury due to lack of proper tools or experience.
  • Warranty: Most professional services come with a guarantee, providing homeowners with peace of mind.
  • Reduces stress: Professional installations mean that the homeowner does not have to spend days or weeks toiling away on a task they may not be experienced in.
  • Expertise: Professional installation typically involves contractors who are experienced in their trade and can provide the highest quality work.


  • Cost: Professional installation can be costly, and often require hefty deposits.
  • Inability to customize: With professional installation, there is typically less flexibility with customization than with a DIY approach.
  • Minimal satisfaction: Professional installation does not offer a sense of accomplishment the same way as a DIY task.
  • Out of control: Not having the project firsthand can lead to mishaps or mistakes that can be difficult to undo.

Which Is the Right Option for You?

When considering DIY vs. professional installation for exterior renovations, it is important to consider all factors related to the project. The amount of time, money, and expertise required for the project should all be taken into account. DIY projects, while potentially saving money, can also be risky and haphazard. Professional installation, on the other hand, while costlier, can guarantee better results in a shorter amount of time. Ultimately, the homeowner has to decide which route is best for their situation.


Exterior renovations can add significant curb appeal and value to a home, while undertaking the project can be a daunting and potentially costly task. DIY vs professional installation is a debate that every homeowner will face when taking on their project. While both options certainly have their advantages and disadvantages, it is up to the homeowner to decide which route is best for their needs. No matter what, proper planning and research are key in guaranteeing that the project is a success.

What are the pros and cons of DIY vs. professional installation in exterior renovation?

Pros of DIY Exterior Renovation:

-Can save money on labour costs

-Can take your time and choose the exact materials and design you want

-Can have a sense of pride that comes with completing a job yourself

-Can learn a new skill

Cons of DIY Exterior Renovation:

-Can take longer to complete the job than hiring a professional

-May need to purchase more expensive tools and supplies than if hiring a professional

-Risk of making mistakes or overlooking important details that a professional may catch

-Can be dangerous or require specialized expertise (e.g. electrical wiring)

Pros of Professional Exterior Renovation:

-Can guarantee better results in a shorter amount of time

-May have access to specialized tools and expertise that is not available to the DIYer

-Can provide peace of mind that the job is being done correctly and safely

-Can lead to additional work if the job is done well

Cons of Professional Exterior Renovation:

-Can be costlier than DIYing

-May not get to choose materials or designs as you would with DIY

-Nonstandard details may be overlooked, since the job is typically done quickly

-Can be difficult to undo any mistakes or oversights made by the professional .

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